Jill Krueger, J.D., serves as Director, Climate and Health. Her current work involves climate adaptation and mitigation, the Farm Bill and agricultural policy, rural health, oral health, literacy, and mental health promotion in school and community settings. Before joining the Network in 2010, Jill was a senior staff attorney at Farmers’ Legal Action Group, where she analyzed the role of the Farm Bill in the production and distribution of healthy foods; advocated for the integrity of the National Organic Program, and provided education and advocacy to improve federal disaster assistance to farmers. She also served as an assistant attorney general in the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office. She graduated with high distinction and Order of the Coif from the University of Iowa College of Law and from Earlham College. Jill serves on the board of the Seward Community Co-op in Minneapolis, whose mission includes sustaining a healthy community.

Articles & Resources

COVID-19’s Impact on State Public Health Laws Requires Careful Deliberation, Not a Rush to Legislate

Law & Policy InsightsCOVID-19

March 11, 2021
by Jill Krueger

As efforts are made to examine and evaluate the response to COVID-19 both generally and within public health specifically, states are taking a variety of approaches. Legislators in some states are seeking to clarify and bolster emergency powers and public health authority, while legislators in other states are seeking to curtail them sharply. The process unfolding in state legislatures has the potential to affect substantive developments in emergency powers and public health authority for years to come and should therefore be done only after careful consideration and discussion.

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Protecting Public Health Authority to Protect the Health of Our Communities

Law & Policy InsightsLegal Protections for Public Health Officials

February 24, 2021
by Jill Krueger

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the tension between individual rights and the public good to the forefront of the national discourse. Many pandemic response measures—such as stay-at-home orders, mandatory business closures or restrictions, and mask mandates—have evoked vocal opposition by individuals who feel these measures infringe on their freedom. Despite the authority of public health to implement these measures, noncompliance has been a significant issue.

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Renewable Energy Standards: A Strategy to Transition Rapidly Away From the Use of Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas to Clean, Safe, and Affordable Renewable Energy

Issue BriefEnvironment, Climate and HealthMechanisms for Advancing Public Health

December 16, 2020
by Betsy Lawton and Jill Krueger

Renewable energy standards—often called Renewable Portfolio Standards—are important in hastening the transition from fossil fuels to renewable and low-carbon energy sources, slowing climate change and bringing immediate health benefits to communities. This issue brief, produced collaboratively by the Network and the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health, outlines how renewable energy standards work and the important role they play in advancing health and health equity.

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Legal and Policy Action Now Can Lay the Groundwork for Posttraumatic Growth

Law & Policy InsightsCOVID-19Mental Health and Well-Being

July 16, 2020
by Jill Krueger

Posttraumatic growth has been defined as “positive change experienced as a result of the struggle with a major life crisis or a traumatic event.” It is generally discussed as an individual phenomenon that may be supported in the clinical setting, but the concept may warrant consideration at the population level, as public health practitioners and policy-makers seek to address wide-spread traumatic experiences in 2020, including the COVID-19 pandemic and racial trauma.

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Supporting Mental Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Law & Policy InsightsCOVID-19Mental Health and Well-Being

March 26, 2020
by Jill Krueger

The COVID-19 outbreak occurring in the United States and in many other countries has profound implications for mental health. Just as public health is leading the way to protect physical health in the context of COVID-19, public health can take steps to promote mental health and community resilience. While public health has emergency isolation, quarantine, and social distancing powers, taking small steps where consistent with good public health practice can support mental well-being.

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Law and Policy Pathways to Protect Soil Health—A Critical Component of a Healthy Climate and a Healthy Population

Law & Policy InsightsEnvironment, Climate and HealthTribal Health

December 17, 2019
by Jill Krueger

Healthy soil contains organic matter that contributes to the nutritional quality of food and can have a significant impact on agricultural output. It also plays a critical role in mitigating the effects of climate change by reducing erosion and storm water runoff, protecting against drought, and reducing carbon emissions. Policymakers at both the federal and local level are increasingly including laws and provisions that promote healthy soils in their environmental policies and legislation.

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Policy Surveillance: Preschool Social and Emotional Learning

Quick ReferenceHealth in SchoolMaternal and Child HealthMental Health and Well-BeingMechanisms for Advancing Public Health

October 21, 2019
by Betsy Lawton and Jill Krueger

Social and emotional learning (SEL) has a strong association with outcomes important to public health, from increased high school graduation rates to reduced drug use. This Quick Reference outlines the Network’s project to review policies and laws related to SEL.

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