Kerri McGowan Lowrey, J.D., M.P.H., serves as Deputy Director, Eastern Region, where she focuses on injury prevention law, particularly sports and recreational injury prevention in children and adolescents; laws affecting return to school after traumatic brain injury; driver licensing laws and practices; health data privacy and sharing in the school setting; education as a social determinant of health; and housing instability. Kerri spearheaded the development of an interprofessional eviction prevention project with the University of Maryland School of Social Work, which seeks to provide legal triage and access to community support services for families facing housing instability due to the pandemic. She currently serves as co-chair of the Children’s Safety Now Alliance Steering Committee, an alliance of more than 35 organizations seeking to elevate child safety as a national priority and address the related needs of state and local health departments. Kerri’s specialized training includes a four-year term as a Cancer Prevention Fellow at the National Cancer Institute, where she assisted in developing the Cancer Prevention Fellowship Ethics Track. Prior to joining the Network for Public Health Law, Kerri served as Technical Vice President at the MayaTech Corporation in Silver Spring, MD, and Manager of its Center for Health Policy and Legislative Analysis. She received her J.D. from the University of Maryland School of Law, an M.P.H. from the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, and A.B. in public policy and American institutions from Brown University.

Articles & Resources

Undocumented Immigrants and Patient Privacy Laws

Issue BriefHealth Information and Data Sharing

June 4, 2019
by Kathleen Hoke and Kerri McGowan Lowrey

Concern over immigration enforcement can prevent immigrants from obtaining needed health care. Many immigrants worry that health workers will share their undocumented status with immigration authorities. Removing barriers to immigrants’ utilization of preventative and other health care services is important for public health. This issue brief explores relevant federal and state health privacy laws and how they apply to undocumented immigrants and provides information on health care providers’ rights and responsibilities when providing health care to immigrants.

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Motor Vehicle Fatalities Involving Children and Impaired Drivers: Are Child Endangerment Laws Really Failing Us?

Law & Policy InsightsMaternal and Child HealthInjury Prevention and Safety

May 23, 2019
by Kerri McGowan Lowrey

One in five child passenger fatalities in the U.S. involve an impaired driver, most commonly the child’s own driver. Forty-six states and D.C. have child endangerment statutes that impose special sanctions for driving under the influence while transporting a child. Despite the widespread use of such laws, studies of their effectiveness suggest they may not be effective in preventing alcohol-related child fatalities in motor vehicle crashes, primarily due to low public awareness and lax enforcement.

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Immigrant Health: The Role and Impact of Medicaid, HIPAA, and the Public Charge Doctrine

WebinarsMedicaidHealth Information and Data Sharing

April 25, 2019
by Kerri McGowan Lowrey

The high cost of health care and the increasing decline in health insurance coverage are a concern for all people living in America. But for immigrants, who have extremely low rates of insurance coverage compared to U.S.-born populations, the situation is even more precarious. Low incomes, lack of insurance, concern over immigration enforcement, and other barriers pose serious threats to immigrant health. That, in turn, poses a risk to the broader public health. Federal and state laws impact immigrants’ access to care and, therefore, public health. Attend this webinar to examine a few of the laws and policies that create barriers to immigrants’ access to care.

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What School Nurses Really Do: Realizing the Power of School Nursing in Public Health

Law & Policy InsightsHealth in SchoolSchool NursesSchool Nursing

December 19, 2018
by Kerri McGowan Lowrey

School nurses can play a critical role in advancing child and adolescent health — including expanding access to care for many children. However, laws across the country do not yet recognize the importance of school nurses, and only one state requires a full-time registered nurse in every school.

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Key Public Health Initiatives: A Year in Review

WebinarsHealth ReformFood Safety and SecurityInjury Prevention and SafetySubstance Use Prevention and Harm Reduction

December 13, 2018
by Brooke Torton, Kathleen Hoke, Kerri McGowan Lowrey and Mathew Swinburne

Among the most pressing public health issues of 2018, access to healthcare, electronic nicotine delivery systems, injury prevention, and food insecurity saw significant legislation and policy impacts. In this webinar, subject matter experts will recap how four important public health initiatives—expansion of scope of practice; regulation of electronic nicotine delivery systems; traumatic brain injury prevention; and food insecurity and SNAP—were impacted in 2018.

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The Role of School Nurses in Managing Students with Mild Brain Injury (Concussion)

Fact SheetSchool NursesSchool Nursing

September 12, 2018
by Kerri McGowan Lowrey

The National Association of School Nurses has issued a position statement that the school nurse is an “essential member of the school health team to address student concussions.” This fact sheet outlines how, as a school-based healthcare professional, the school nurse is likely to be the school staff member with the most comprehensive knowledge of mild brain injury.

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Tax Incentives and Public Health: Injury Prevention on the Road, on the Water, and at Home

Law & Policy InsightsInjury Prevention and SafetyMechanisms for Advancing Public Health

May 23, 2018
by Kathleen Hoke and Kerri McGowan Lowrey

Tax exemptions can be used effectively to encourage the purchase of consumer goods that support public health and safety by reducing the rate of injury or death. A few states have passed sales tax exemptions that fit the bill for public health, including exemptions for child car seats, bicycle helmets, and fire-safety equipment for homes. But these types of tax exemptions are often underutilized.

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Tax Incentives and Public Health: Injury Prevention on the Road, on the Water, and at Home

Policy BriefMechanisms for Advancing Public HealthInjury Prevention and SafetyHealthy and Affordable Housing

May 23, 2018
by Kathleen Hoke and Kerri McGowan Lowrey

Tax incentives, in the form of tax credits, deductions or exemptions, can be effective legal interventions for advancing the public’s health. This resource examines tax incentives that encourage prevention of child and adult injuries that occur while traveling, during recreation, and at home.

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At the Intersection of Teen Driving and Tire Safety

Law & Policy InsightsInjury Prevention and SafetyDriving Safety

October 11, 2017
by Kerri McGowan Lowrey

Motor vehicle crashes remain the leading cause of death for teenagers in the U.S. One often-overlooked issue in crash prevention is tire maintenance. A 2012 study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that 12 percent of crashes among inexperienced drivers were tire-related, while only 5 percent of crashes among experienced drivers were tire-related, suggesting that inexperienced drivers may lack knowledge about safe vehicle maintenance. Efforts to standardize and promote driver education across the country may be one way to address this issue.

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