Network for Public Health Law Advisory Board Welcomes New Chair, Donna Levin
Network NewsDonna E. Levin Appointed as Chair of the Network for Public Health Law’s Advisory Board The Network for Public Health Law (Network) announces the appointment…
Donna E. Levin Appointed as Chair of the Network for Public Health Law’s Advisory Board The Network for Public Health Law (Network) announces the appointment…
The Network is excited to formally announce the promotion of Stephen Murphy, J.D., to the position of Director, Mid-States Region. Previously, Stephen held the roles of Interim Director and Deputy Director. Under his continued leadership, the Mid-States Region team will broaden the Network’s portfolio of work in public health data access, privacy, and sharing. This expansion includes providing legal support to the federal government’s data modernization initiative in collaboration with the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB); and offering legal technical assistance to the CDC’s Core Data Use Agreement Initiative to enhance national data exchange. Under Stephen’s leadership, the Mid-States Region will also bolster the Network’s efforts in promoting legal and policy solutions that advance health and health equity through direct legal technical assistance and capacity-building support to health agencies.
Warm wishes for the New Year, a time of new beginnings when our thoughts turn to how our collective efforts to advance health in communities across the country can be turned into reality. This year is likely to present challenges, especially considering the new presidential administration, but we have been here before. Just as we have done in the past when the political climate intensified around governmental authority, in particular public health authority, we are ready to act as a guide, partner, and resource to assistance in advancing the public’s health and health equity, despite barriers to this work.
As we find ourselves in the wake of another election and having seen the outpouring of supportive messages from so many of our public health and community partners, we're reminded once again of the strength of our collective commitment to efforts that improve the well-being of individuals, families, and communities across the country. How we navigate the post-election landscape will have a lasting impact on democracy, the social determinants of health, and public health authority.
The Network for Public Health Law (Network) announced today it has filed an amicus brief in the Moyle v. United States case before the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. This case challenges whether Idaho can legally prevent pregnant individuals from accessing emergency medical care mandated under the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). The Network joined the American Public Health Association, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the American Medical Women’s Association and over 100 public health and legal scholars in supporting the U.S. government as amici curiae in this important case.
The Network for Public Health Law is pleased to announce this call for applications from organizations seeking legal and policy support to promote racial health equity.
The Network for Public Health Law has announced the launch of the Racial Equity Dataset, an interactive online tool that provides extensive data on enacted laws in the 2021 and 2022 legislative cycles related to furthering or hindering racial equity, across the 50 U.S. states.
The Network for Public Health Law (the Network) has released a guide on “Law and Policy Considerations for Workforce Protections from Extreme Heat,” detailing federal, state, and local legal and policy protections for both indoor and outdoor workers exposed to extreme heat on the job. The guide also addresses significant barriers to safeguarding this workforce, including the legal doctrine of preemption, which allows higher levels of government to limit the authority of lower levels; and provides information for policymakers, community leaders, public health practitioners, and others seeking to institute more effective heat protection for workers in their communities.
The Network is pleased to announce the appointment of Allison Winnike as Director of our Western Region Team. Allison's expertise and track record in public health emergency preparedness and response, immunization law and policy, health information technology and telemedicine are widely recognized. Her leadership in the western region will strengthen the Network’s work in advancing law and policy solutions through direct legal technical assistance and providing critical capacity building support to health agencies.
Network for Public Health Law Advisory Board Welcomes New Member Amy Kincaid The Network is proud to formally announce the appointment of…
The universal themes of Spring: renewal, unity, and transformation, resonate deeply with our Network mission. Law itself can be transformative—both positively and negatively— so we were committed to joining other health advocates in signing on to an amicus brief in an important upcoming court case with the potential to negatively impact access to emergency medical care, including during pregnancy.
As part of the Network’s leadership team, Dang will oversee the work of the Network project and regional teams in advancing law and policy solutions and providing direct legal technical assistance to those working to create healthier, more equitable communities. He will also work closely with external partners in public health, as well as community, philanthropic and advocacy organizations working to advance health in their communities.