Voting is Not Only Good for the Public’s Health but for Public Health, Too

Law & Policy InsightsMechanisms for Advancing Public HealthMechanisms for Advancing Health EquityPublic Health AuthorityAct for Public Health

September 17, 2024
by Darlene Huang Briggs

When viewed as a racial, social justice, and public health issue, intergenerational trauma affects several communities (Black Americans, immigrants, Holocaust survivors, Japanese Americans, and Indigenous People) differently. There are some promising policies, which when implemented in collaboration with impacted communities, can help to address the harms of intergenerational trauma.

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New TEFCA Procedure to Facilitate Enhanced Exchange of Public Health Data

Law & Policy InsightsHealth Information and Data SharingHealth Data Sharing and PrivacyMechanisms for Advancing Health Equity

September 10, 2024
by Stephen Murphy

The availability of timely and accurate data is the lifeblood of modern public health practice and key to advancing health equity for all. The federal Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA took another step forward on August 6, 2024, with the release of five new or updated standard operating procedures which hold the potential to enhance exchange of timely, accurate data, in a usable format, across Qualified Health Information Networks nationwide.

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From Dust Bowl to Green Heart: How Trees and Policy Can Shape Public Health 

Law & Policy InsightsNeighborhood and Built EnvironmentEnvironment, Climate and HealthClimate Change, Health and Equity (CCHE)Mechanisms for Advancing Health Equity

September 4, 2024
by Nina Belforte

The University of Louisville’s Green Heart Project found that living in or around green canopy enhanced cardiovascular health. Beyond the findings related to cardiovascular health, the project provides strong support for the positive impacts of urban greening and highlights the role that environmental interventions can play in fostering healthier, more resilient communities.

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Live Long and Prosper: A Public Health Salute to Strategic Planning for Healthy Aging

Law & Policy InsightsMechanisms for Advancing Public HealthMechanisms for Advancing Health Equity

September 4, 2024
by Kathleen Hoke

With more than 55 million people in the U.S. who are currently 65 or older (a number that is expected to continue to increase for decades), facilitating healthy aging should be a public health priority. There are Federal and State initiatives that can serve as a blueprint for creating programs and collaborations that improve older adult health.

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Healing Across Generations: Addressing the Impact of Intergenerational Trauma Through Policy Interventions

Law & Policy InsightsRacism as a Public Health CrisisMental Health and Well-BeingMechanisms for Advancing Public HealthMechanisms for Advancing Health EquitySocial and Community Context

August 15, 2024

When viewed as a racial, social justice, and public health issue, intergenerational trauma affects several communities (Black Americans, immigrants, Holocaust survivors, Japanese Americans, and Indigenous People) differently. There are some promising policies, which when implemented in collaboration with impacted communities, can help to address the harms of intergenerational trauma.

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Liability Protections for Food Donation Help Address Food Insecurity and Food Waste

Law & Policy InsightsFood SecurityMechanisms for Advancing Health EquityFood and Housing Insecurity MeasuresEnvironment, Climate and HealthFood Safety and Security

August 7, 2024

Food insecurity and food waste are both increasing in the United States, which negatively impacts public health and creates environmental problems. States can work to address both by passing clear, comprehensive laws regarding liability protection for donated foods, and by providing financial incentives for food donation and imposing organic waste requirements.

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Harm Reduction Policies for Perinatal Substance Use Instead of Criminalization: Better Outcomes for Families

Law & Policy InsightsSubstance Use Prevention and Harm ReductionHarm Reduction Legal ProjectHarm Reduction Legal Project ResourcesMaternal and Child Health

August 6, 2024

The evidence is clear that the criminalization of substance use leads to worse health outcomes for pregnant and postpartum people who use drugs (PPWUD) and their babies. Despite this evidence, many states continue to prioritize punitive measures for PPWUD. Others, however, are beginning to embrace a harm reduction approach to perinatal substance use.

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2021-2022 Racial Equity Dataset: A Searchable Collection of Laws Related to Racial Equity

Law & Policy InsightsMechanisms for Advancing Health EquityRacial Equity Dataset: A Searchable Collection of Laws Related to Racial EquityRacism as a Public Health Crisis

August 6, 2024
by Phyllis Jeden

In the wake of the renewed racial justice movement in 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, many jurisdictions across the country enacted laws to address health disparities and advance racial equity, while others enacted laws that may impede these goals. This searchable dataset features the laws that were enacted, and that were still in effect on December 31, 2022.

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Government Actions Can Protect Workers from Extreme Heat

Network News

August 1, 2024

The Network for Public Health Law (the Network) has released a guide on “Law and Policy Considerations for Workforce Protections from Extreme Heat,” detailing federal, state, and local legal and policy protections for both indoor and outdoor workers exposed to extreme heat on the job. The guide also addresses significant barriers to safeguarding this workforce, including the legal doctrine of preemption, which allows higher levels of government to limit the authority of lower levels; and provides information for policymakers, community leaders, public health practitioners, and others seeking to institute more effective heat protection for workers in their communities.

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The Great American Outdoors Act: A Tool to Advance Public Health  

Law & Policy InsightsNeighborhood and Built EnvironmentEnvironment, Climate and HealthClimate Change, Health and Equity (CCHE)Mechanisms for Advancing Health Equity

July 24, 2024
by Leah Terry

Passed in 2020, the Great American Outdoors Act has made strides in conservation and the expansion of public lands and green spaces in the United States, which provide immense public health benefits. The Outdoors for All Act, currently awaiting Senate approval, would expand on this progress by increasing access to parks and green spaces in low-income communities and communities of color.

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