A Deeper Dive on the Interests and Needs of Individuals and Organizations Engaging in Racial Equity Work

The Network is committed to working with our partners and stakeholders to identify laws, policies and actions that can advance equity and address the barriers to good health in our communities.
We invite you to contribute to this growing body of work by completing a brief survey or by participating in a 90-minute focus group. Your feedback will provide valuable insight into the interests and needs of people and organizations working to advance racial equity in the communities they serve. Results from the survey and focus groups will help identify ways that we can provide assistance and support to stakeholders and partners who are engaging in this work.
The survey is anonymous. No identifying information will be connected to your survey responses. Please take the survey or sign up for a focus group today. The survey will be open through August 5, 2021.
For question about this project, please contact Dawn Hunter at dhunter@networkforphl.org.