Privacy Officers and Data Sharing: A Q&A with Network Attorney Sallie Milam

Law & Policy Insights

April 11, 2019
by Sallie Milam

Building healthy communities requires access to relevant data from multiple sectors, including public health, health care, schools, human services, housing and law enforcement. Because they can be complex to navigate, federal and state laws governing data collection, use, and sharing can act as barriers to data use. With specialized knowledge in the use of data, privacy officers can help reduce this complexity, making data more accessible to the agencies they serve.

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New York City’s Public Health Emergency Order on Mandatory Measles Vaccinations – FAQs

Law & Policy Insights

April 11, 2019

This week, New York City declared a public health emergency in response to a measles outbreak which has infected hundreds of residents, mostly children. The emergency declaration includes an order for mandatory MMR vaccinations affecting residents in select areas of Williamsburg and Brooklyn where most of the existing infections have arisen. Some see the order as an unusual exercise of public health authority. Our FAQ breaks down the key components of the mandate and the legal requirements.

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Gaps in Federal and State Laws Leave Private Well Users Vulnerable to Drinking Water Contamination

Law & Policy Insights

April 9, 2019
by Betsy Lawton

There are distinct differences in how U.S. laws do (or don’t) protect individuals from drinking water contamination. While a landmark federal law, the Safe Drinking Water Act, generally protects individuals who use a public water supply from exposure to unsafe levels of regulated contaminants, there is no similar protection for the approximately 45 million U.S. residents who rely on private wells for water. This gap in regulatory oversight increasingly burdens rural households, where the risk of exposure to nitrate contaminates is highest.

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Border Wall Emergency 2019: Potential Impacts on Public Health Preparedness

Law & Policy Insights

March 28, 2019
by James G. Hodge, Jr.

President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency to authorize and fund the construction of a border wall along the U.S. southern border prompted an unprecedented response from Congress, which then passed a resolution to terminate the declaration. Ongoing politicization and forthcoming statutory amendments or court decisions may fundamentally change the scope of national emergencies in the future.

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Overdose Prevention and Harm Reduction Law and Policy Update

Law & Policy InsightsOpioid Misuse and Overdose Prevention

March 21, 2019
by Corey Davis

The increase in drug-related harm that began over two decades ago continues to impact individuals and communities across the country. Partly due to this unprecedented and continuing rise in overdose-related harm, states and communities have taken a number of legal and policy steps to improve access to prevention and treatment. This post provides a few highlights, in no particular order.

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What’s Old Is New Again: Eastern Regional Meeting

Law & Policy Insights

March 13, 2019
by Megan Griest

In February, the Network’s Eastern Region Office hosted a day-long event with leaders, policymakers and practitioners to examine key challenges facing the public health community. Issues discussed included immigrant health; the impact of preemption on public health; same sex domestic violence protections; marijuana advertising regulations; and Congressional public health priorities.

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National School Lunch Program – More Flexibility; Less Nutrition

Law & Policy InsightsHealth in School

February 26, 2019
by Leila Barraza

The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) was last modified in 2012 by the Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, which established nutrition standards for school meals consistent with the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The USDA has announced that it will soon implement less stringent standards for school lunch nutrition regarding the requirements for whole grains, sodium, and milk.

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