Lessons from Los Angeles: Sanitation as Health Justice for People Experiencing Homelessness

Law & Policy InsightsHealthy and Affordable Housing

June 7, 2018
by James G. Hodge, Jr.

The U.S. is experiencing its worst outbreak of hepatitis A in over 20 years. The outbreak has primarily affected people experiencing homelessness (PEH) due to their lack of access to sanitation and hygiene facilities. In Los Angeles alone, one study found only nine public toilets for every 1,777 PEH. As a result, the city has initiated community and local government interventions designed to address this shortfall.

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Cooperative Extension as a Partner in Creating Healthy Communities

Law & Policy InsightsCommunity Health Needs Assessments

June 6, 2018
by Jill Krueger

Extension programs connect land grant universities and the larger public, bringing academic research to communities that can apply it. Programming at the recently held National Health Outreach Conference, sponsored by the Cooperative Extension System, focused on engaging in a culture of health and highlighted ways in which Extension programs are collaborating with others to advance community health.

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Tax Incentives and Public Health: Injury Prevention on the Road, on the Water, and at Home

Law & Policy InsightsInjury Prevention and SafetyMechanisms for Advancing Public Health

May 23, 2018
by Kathleen Hoke and Kerri McGowan Lowrey

Tax exemptions can be used effectively to encourage the purchase of consumer goods that support public health and safety by reducing the rate of injury or death. A few states have passed sales tax exemptions that fit the bill for public health, including exemptions for child car seats, bicycle helmets, and fire-safety equipment for homes. But these types of tax exemptions are often underutilized.

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Next Generation 911: Maryland Answers the Call to Upgrade the State’s Emergency Response System

Law & Policy InsightsEmergency Legal Preparedness and Response

May 9, 2018
by Kathleen Hoke

Many of us use smartphones every day to send text messages, share videos, get from point A to point B, and even share our location with another person. While these services are of particular value during an emergency, they are not available to many 911 dispatch centers and emergency services around the country. In Maryland, legislation was passed to advance Next Generation 911 in the state.

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A Nation’s Response to the School Shooting in Parkland, Florida

Law & Policy InsightsInjury Prevention and Safety

April 25, 2018
by James G. Hodge, Jr.

In the aftermath of the killing of 17 people and the injuring of 15 others at Marjory Stoneman Douglas (MSD) High School in Parkland, Florida, the Trump administration has considered advocating for various gun control measures, including strengthening of the national background check system (NICS) and a ban on bump-stocks (devices that fully automate semi-automatic weapons). There are additional evidence-based gun control measures that have demonstrated efficacy in preventing gun deaths and injuries in several states.

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