Reflections on how The Supreme Court Affirmative Action in College Admissions Opinion Denies the Reality of Racism in the U.S. and its Impact on People of Color

Law & Policy InsightsMechanisms for Advancing Public HealthMechanisms for Advancing Health Equity

October 4, 2023
by April Shaw

In Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard College (June 2022), the U.S. Supreme Court struck down race-conscious affirmative action programs at Harvard College and the University of North Carolina. What is striking about this case is not just its findings that these specific programs are unconstitutional, but the case goes even further to declare that race no longer matters, and that racism is dead. Racism is a public health crisis, and the Supreme Court has added to this crisis.

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National Voter Education Week: How States Can Improve Health by Increasing Voting Access

Law & Policy InsightsMechanisms for Advancing Public HealthMechanisms for Advancing Health Equity

October 4, 2023
by Dawn Hunter

Recent research has revealed a strong correlation between access to voting and public health outcomes: states that have more inclusive voting policies combined with higher levels of civic participation have citizens who have better health outcomes. Unfortunately, for many Americans it is not easy to vote, and there has been a wave of restrictive voting laws over the last several years.

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The Department of Health and Human Services Recommends Rescheduling Cannabis

Law & Policy InsightsCannabis Legalization and Regulation

September 19, 2023
by Mathew Swinburne

Cannabis is legal in most states and most of those living in the U.S. support some form of cannabis legalization. Despite the evolution in state policy and broad public support, cannabis remains illegal under federal law. Things could be changing. In October of 2022, President Biden ordered the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Attorney General to initiate the administrative process to review cannabis’s classification under federal law.

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Wetlands Essential to Combatting the Health Effects of Climate Change Are at Risk

Law & Policy InsightsEnvironment, Climate and Health

September 19, 2023
by Betsy Lawton

Wetlands absorb and slow floodwaters, help alleviate drought conditions, absorb pollutants, and when left undisturbed, store more carbon than forests. Despite their amazing natural features that help counteract the impacts of climate change, many states currently do not protect wetlands beyond what the Clean Water Act requires, and recently, the U.S. Supreme Court eliminated protections for wetlands that have been in place for decades.

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Renewed Efforts to Address the Negative Impacts of Inequitable School Discipline

Law & Policy InsightsHealth in SchoolMaternal and Child HealthMechanisms for Advancing Health EquityMechanisms for Advancing Public Health

September 14, 2023
by Susan Fleurant

Students of color, students with disabilities, boys — and particularly those at the intersection of these identities — continue to experience disproportionate rates of discipline. School discipline practices can impede child development, result in reduced instructional time, harm mental health, and increase involvement in the juvenile justice system, among other impacts on health and wellbeing. This year, federal and state agencies have announced renewed efforts to enforce students’ civil rights in school to address longstanding inequities.

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Drug-induced Homicide Laws will not Reduce Overdose Deaths: A Reminder on International Overdose Awareness Day

Law & Policy InsightsSubstance Use Prevention and Harm ReductionHarm Reduction Legal ProjectLegislation and Legal Challenges

August 30, 2023
by Amy Lieberman and Ashleigh Dennis

Over one million people in the U.S. have died from overdose since 1999. This year, as we remember those we’ve needlessly lost, we are also seeing calls for increased penalties for people who share drugs. Perhaps the cruelest form of these laws are drug-induced homicide (“DIH”) laws.

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Renters Bill of Rights: Education, Enforcement, and Enhancement of Rights

Law & Policy InsightsHealthy and Affordable HousingMechanisms for Advancing Public HealthMechanisms for Advancing Health Equity

August 22, 2023
by Kathleen Hoke

The Biden Administration’s Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights (Blueprint) was introduced on January 25, 2023 to drive action at the federal, state, and local levels to strengthen tenant protections and housing affordability. One of the principles outlined in the Blueprint is that governmental bodies should do all they can to enforce fair housing laws, protect renters from unlawful discrimination, and ensure renters know their legal rights.

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Community Health Workers with Lived Experience of Incarceration Are Uniquely Suited to Serve Reentering Populations—But Legal Obstacles Impede Hiring Them

Law & Policy InsightsMechanisms for Advancing Public HealthMechanisms for Advancing Health EquityWorkforce Expansion

August 10, 2023
by Chris Alibrandi O’Connor and Colleen Healy Boufides

People who are incarcerated have higher rates of chronic health conditions, which tend to worsen upon their release, primarily due to the barriers to health care they experience. Despite evidence that employing Community Health Workers with lived experience of incarceration to serve individuals reentering their communities leads to better patient outcomes, significant barriers impede hiring them within health systems.

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Renters Bill of Rights: Clear and Fair Leases

Law & Policy InsightsHealthy and Affordable HousingMechanisms for Advancing Public HealthMechanisms for Advancing Health Equity

August 8, 2023
by Kathleen Hoke

The Biden Administration’s Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights (Blueprint) was introduced on January 25, 2023 to drive action at the federal, state, and local levels to strengthen tenant protections and housing affordability. One of the principles outlined in the Blueprint is that renters should have clear and fair leases, with defined rental terms, rights, and responsibilities written in simple and clear language.

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