Homelessness and the Public’s Health: Legal Responses ̶ Q&A

Law & Policy InsightsHealthy and Affordable Housing

May 11, 2017
by James G. Hodge, Jr.

Many experts and advocates consider homelessness a critical public health issue. Professor James G. Hodge, Jr., director of the Network's Western Region Office, co-authored the article “Homelessness and the Public’s Health: Legal Responses” in the recently released Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics supplemental issue. In this Q&A, he discusses his article and the role of law and advocacy to ameliorate the public health impact of homelessness.

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Licensing E-Cigarette Retailers and Vape Shops

Law & Policy InsightsSubstance Use Prevention and Harm Reduction

March 10, 2017

While “Tobacco 21” and clean air laws are effective tobacco control strategies, particularly at reducing youth use, they’re not politically feasible in much of the country – twenty states still do not have comprehensive indoor smoking restrictions and only California and Hawaii have raised the minimum tobacco purchase age to 21. State and local tobacco licensing programs are critical to preventing youth use of tobacco products. These programs enable communities to identify retail businesses that sell tobacco products.

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How Medicaid and the ACA are Helping States Address Opioid Overdose

Law & Policy InsightsSubstance Use Prevention and Harm ReductionOpioid Misuse and Overdose PreventionHealth ReformMedicaid

March 2, 2017
by Corey Davis

In 2015, 33,091 Americans died of accidental opioid overdose, that’s more deaths than from car crashes or guns. Early interventions to prevent and treat substance use disorder and opioid use disorder, save lives and resources. Although access to evidence-based prevention and treatment remains far below where it should be, Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act have been instrumental in improving it.

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Public Health and the Courts: Is there a fundamental right to a stable climate system?

Law & Policy InsightsEnvironment, Climate and HealthClimate and Health

February 15, 2017
by Colleen Healy Boufides

Frustrated by what they perceive as insufficient federal legislative and executive efforts to address climate change, a group of young plaintiffs and other activists have filed suit against the federal government, citing a wide variety of health-related harms they have suffered because of the government’s inability to reduce carbon emissions.

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