Network for Public Health Law Comments on Proposed HIPAA Privacy Rule to Bolster Privacy of Reproductive Health Information

Network NewsPublic Health Information Management, Privacy and SecurityReproductive Health and Equity 

June 1, 2023

The Network supports the proposed changes to the HIPAA Privacy Rule to bolster privacy of reproductive health information and provide our comments outlining further suggestions and support. Protecting the privacy of reproductive health information is paramount to preventing inequitable enforcement of state laws criminalizing health care access.

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Addressing Indoor Air Quality through Model Law

Law & Policy InsightsCOVID-19COVID-19 ResourcesEnvironment, Climate and HealthPreventing and Treating Communicable ConditionsMonitoring Property and the Built Environment

May 30, 2023
by Erica White and James G. Hodge, Jr.

Many Americans spend approximately 90 percent of their time indoors where the concentration of pollutants is two to five times higher than outdoors. Existing laws regulating indoor air quality are inconsistent and incomplete. In response a team of scientists, policymakers, and legal drafters is in the process of crafting a Model State Indoor Air Quality Act.

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Public Health Agencies and What Woulda-Coulda-Mighta Helped Them Access SUD Records

Law & Policy InsightsHealth Information and Data SharingSubstance Use Prevention and Harm Reduction

May 30, 2023
by Chris Alibrandi O’Connor and Denise Chrysler

Public health agencies often find access to substance use disorder (SUD) data records especially challenging. Through the CARES Act, Congress harmonizes certain provisions of HIPAA and 42 CFR Part 2 —both of which governs disclosure of SUD records —and requires that HHS continue these efforts through rulemaking.

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Office for Civil Rights Announces Proposed Modifications to HIPAA to Protect Reproductive Health Data

Law & Policy InsightsHealth Information and Data SharingReproductive Health and Equity 

May 24, 2023
by Stephen Murphy

A notice of proposed changes to the HIPAA Privacy Rule was recently issued to bolster the privacy of protected health information (PHI) relating to reproductive health care. The proposed changes are the latest in a series of steps by the Biden administration addressing privacy of reproductive health information following the Supreme Court's Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision last summer. This post takes a closer look at the proposed changes to HIPAA.

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End of COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Brings Changes to CDC Data Collection and Surveillance

Law & Policy InsightsHealth Information and Data SharingCOVID-19

May 18, 2023
by Carrie Waggoner

With the end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, reporting of certain data to CDC, and consequently some data analytics and surveillance provided by CDC, will no longer be available after May 11. The impact of these changes means that the public will no longer see certain metrics from CDC, such as color-coded transmission levels and community maps. More broadly, it means a less centralized approach to COVID-19 data collection and reporting to the public and a return to the fragmented public health system where states and localities exercise their own legal authority.

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The Role of Law and Advocacy in Advancing Equity and the Public’s Health – Insights from the Network’s Executive Director, Dr. Vineeta Gupta

Law & Policy InsightsHealth ReformReproductive Health and Equity Maternal and Child HealthMechanisms for Advancing Health Equity

May 17, 2023

Before becoming a human rights activist, physician and lawyer, and a career that included leadership of projects and programs in over 30 countries, Dr. Gupta had her first advocacy win at age seven. Dr. Gupta shares insights from her remarkable journey in social justice, and how she gained a multifaceted perspective on the interplay between health, equity, social justice, and law and policy.

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New Regulations Take on the Long-Standing Problem of Access to Services in Medicaid Programs

Law & Policy InsightsMedicaidHealth and Health Care

May 17, 2023
by Sarah Somers

Medicaid access has long been identified as a weakness of the Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance programs. A number of new regulations released by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services aim to improve access to care. The rules make changes to both fee-for-service and managed care systems, with additional provisions to advance health equity and improve home and community-based services.

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Shuttered Hospital in Hammond, Indiana Exemplifies Ongoing Struggle for Rural Healthcare

Law & Policy InsightsInjury Prevention and SafetyHealth Reform

May 3, 2023
by Dawn Hunter

Wayne County Michigan, which encompasses the City of Detroit, has a large population of residents of color and also faces some of the state’s most significant challenges. Recently, the county has taken significant measures to address acknowledged disparities in health outcomes, creating Regional Health Equity Advisory Councils, a Black Leadership Council, and committing $300 million to support more than 100 programs to further positive, systemic change.

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Recent Gun Violence Prevention Steps at the State and Federal Level

Law & Policy InsightsInjury Prevention and Safety

May 3, 2023
by Leila Barraza

Wayne County Michigan, which encompasses the City of Detroit, has a large population of residents of color and also faces some of the state’s most significant challenges. Recently, the county has taken significant measures to address acknowledged disparities in health outcomes, creating Regional Health Equity Advisory Councils, a Black Leadership Council, and committing $300 million to support more than 100 programs to further positive, systemic change.

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A Renewed Focus on Health Equity in Wayne County, Michigan

Law & Policy InsightsNeighborhood and Built EnvironmentFood and Housing Insecurity MeasuresEnvironment, Climate and HealthHealthy and Affordable HousingMaternal and Child HealthMechanisms for Advancing Health EquityMechanisms for Advancing Public HealthMental Health and Well-BeingReproductive Health and Equity 

April 19, 2023
by Phyllis Jeden

Wayne County Michigan, which encompasses the City of Detroit, has a large population of residents of color and also faces some of the state’s most significant challenges. Recently, the county has taken significant measures to address acknowledged disparities in health outcomes, creating Regional Health Equity Advisory Councils, a Black Leadership Council, and committing $300 million to support more than 100 programs to further positive, systemic change.

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Lawmakers to Decide whether Washington State Continues its Health-Centered Approach in Emphasizing Treatment over Punishment for Drug Possession

Law & Policy InsightsLegislation and Legal ChallengesSubstance Use Prevention and Harm Reduction

April 19, 2023
by Corey Davis

In May 2021, Washington state passed a law that, among other changes, re-classified drug possession from a felony to a misdemeanor and required law enforcement officers to refer individuals to treatment at least twice before making an arrest. The law, which expires on July 1, 2023, also created the Substance Use Recovery Services Advisory Committee (SURSAC) to research best practices, create a statewide plan, and advise state lawmakers. Lawmakers are now considering whether to implement SURSAC’s 17 recommendations.

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State Laws Banning Transgender Students’ Participation in Sports Harm Health and Wellbeing

Law & Policy InsightsMaternal and Child HealthEducationHealth in SchoolMental Health and Well-Being

April 19, 2023
by Colleen Healy Boufides

Laws banning or heavily restricting students who are transgender from playing on athletic teams with students of the same gender are increasing, as are challenges to such laws. Human rights advocates are closely watching as one case, B.P.J. v. West Virginia, proceeds through the courts. The case’s outcome may influence the course of similar legal challenges across the country.

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