Links to Additional Food Security Resources
View additional resources by other organizations related to food security.

General Food Insecurity Resources
- USDA Resource: Household Food Security in the United States in 2018
- Food Insecurity and COVID-19: Disparities in Early Effects for US Adults
- Unequally vulnerable: a food justice approach to racial disparities in COVID-19 cases
- USDA Resource: FNS Launches the Online Purchasing Pilot
- USDA Resource: FNS Actions to Respond to COVID-19
- USDA Resource: FNS Actions to Respond to COVID-19
USDA Child Nutrition Programs (National School Lunch Program and National School Breakfast Program)
- USDA Resource: FNS Actions to Respond to COVID-19
- No Kid Hungry Resource: Emerging Strategies and Tactics for Meal Service During School Closures Related to the Coronavirus
Pandemic EBT
- USDA Resource: P-EBT Question and Answers
- Food Research and Action Center Resource: Pandemic EBT
Farmers to Families Food Box Program
- USDA Resource: USDA Announces Coronavirus Food Assistance Program
- USDA Resource: Farmers to Families Food Box
Meals to You Program
- USDA Resource: USDA Announces Feeding Program Partnership in Response to COVID-19
Senior Nutrition Programs
- Congressional Research Service Resource: Older Americans Act: Nutrition Services Program
- FEMA Resource: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Purchase and Distribution of Food Eligible for Public Assistance
- Great Plates Delivered Resource (California Only): Great Plates Delivered: Frequently Asked Questions-Participant
- Great Plates Delivered Resource (California Only): Great Plates Delivered Program Guidance