Fact Sheet
Harm Reduction Legal ProjectHarm Reduction Legal Project ResourcesOpioid Misuse and Overdose PreventionCalifornia
Legality of Dispensing Naloxone to Minors in California
July 14, 2022
There are many reasons a person under the age of 18 may wish to obtain the life-saving overdose reversal medication naloxone or another opioid antagonist. Substance use disorders often develop in adolescence, and around 10 percent of overdoses nationally occur in youth and young adults below 26 years old. In 2020, over 15 percent (874 out of 5,502) overdose deaths in California occurred in individuals under the age of 25. Additionally, individuals under the age of 18 may be able to intervene in the overdose of an adult, such as a friend or family member. This fact sheet examines the legality of dispensing naloxone to minors in California.