Mechanisms for Advancing Health Equity
There is a consistently growing body of research exploring the ways that law and policy, in all sectors, can advance health equity. Decisions are made every day that affect health equity, and because of this, there are mechanisms that can be used every day to promote and further equity in all fields. Constant development of new and effective strategies to advance health equity appear in theoretical analyses, data integration, civic engagement, and more.
While health equity is woven into all our work, the resources included here specifically address law and policy issues that directly impact health equity.


Meeting the Promise of Racial Health Equity By Reducing Police Intervention in Suicide Prevention Activities: Law and Policy Solutions

Climate Change, Health Equity, and Public Health Law Learning and Practice Collaborative Informational Webinar

2021 Public Health Law Conference Preview Webinar: Equitable COVID-19 Recovery

Incentivizing Fresh Food Retail in Food Deserts: Lessons Learned from Pennsylvania and Maryland

Legal and Policy Approaches to Preventing Housing Instability Toolkit

Law and Policy Pathways to Addressing Rising Youth Suicide Rates

State Laws Addressing Discrimination against Medical Cannabis Patients

Equity Assessment Framework for Public Health Laws and Policies

Law and Policy Pathways to Civic Engagement

Law and Policy Pathways to Equity in Birth Outcomes

Racial Equity Throughout Data Integration

Broadband Access and Public Health: Legal and Policy Opportunities for Achieving Equitable Access

Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks Enforcement of New Administration’s DEI-Related Executive Orders

A New Argument from DOJ May Help to Increase Disability Protections for People Who Use Drugs

Overdose Mortality Is Trending Down, but the Story is Different for Elder Black Men
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Legal Research and Assistance
Experienced legal experts are available to answer questions and provide research, analysis and guidance. Let us know what you’re working on and together we can figure out how we can help.